In case you have any other questions
B&B Theatres offers a loyalty program which awards guests points based on admission and concession purchases, special promotions and discounts, and access to exclusive events. This program is called the Backstage Pass.
Whenever a Backstage Pass member presents their Backstage Pass ID Number (the phone number given when the account was created) at the Box Office or Concession Stand prior to making a purchase, their account is accessed. Points are added to the account based on the dollars spent in the subsequent transaction. Those points can be redeemed as vouchers at a later time for discounts on concessions or admissions. The program also affords members various additional benefits, which are outlined below.
Backstage Pass participants are entitled to a number of benefits by way of their membership. These benefits include:
Guests can sign up for the Backstage Pass Loyalty Program online here or at the Box Office using a Backstage Pass sign-up form. Registration is quick, easy, and free.
When signing up for a Backstage Pass, guests will be asked to list a phone number in association with the account. This phone number will serve as the Backstage Pass ID Number, and will be used to access the account at the Box Office or Concession Stand.
Each and every time a purchase is made, Backstage Pass members should give their Backstage Pass ID Number to the B&B Theatres associate at the register. The Backstage Pass ID Number is the phone number used to create the account.
Points are earned as purchases are made on the Backstage Pass account. Provided that the Backstage Pass ID Number is given at the point of sale, points can be earned through the purchase of tickets, concessions, standees, and other cinema items available for sale at any B&B Theatres location.
When a B&B Theatres associate accesses an account at a register, the display will indicate the account's point total and available benefits. At this point, discounts can be applied to qualifying items, vouchers can be redeemed, and other applicable promotions can be accessed.
While this is certainly possible, it is advised that individuals maintain separate Backstage Pass Loyalty accounts. Due to the customizable and customer-specific nature of particular Backstage benefits, B&B Theatres is able to provide more appealing promotions to members that do not share accounts with others.
At the present time, there is no cost to join the Backstage Pass Loyalty Program.
Point totals can be reviewed at the Box Office or in emails that go out to members on a semi-regular basis. Additionally, points can be viewed when signed in to your online Backstage Pass account.
If your Backstage Pass is producing error messages or you can’t change your password or login correctly, it is likely that you’ve not completed the on-line registration of your account. Please use this link for help.
If your account still doesn’t work, please check for these problems.
Guests will be given the opportunity to enter Backstage Pass Numbers when tickets are purchased at and The purchase of gift cards is not eligible towards earning points, but you will earn points when you use a gift card for purchases.
YES! All locations participate in our Backstage Pass Loyalty Program!
All of the information collected from the Backstage Pass registration form is used to enhance the guest experience and expedite the application of the program at the point of sale. Name and phone number are required to access and verify account holder identification. Email addresses are used simply to communicate promotions and program updates to members and will not be sold or spammed. Birthdates are used only for the purposes of guest-specific promotions (birthday coupons), and zip codes help B&B Theatres to track Backstage usage and improve the customer experience.
Thank you for signing up! If it is your first time, make sure to create your credentials to link your account.