Discover unbeatable offers & promotions at B&B Theatres including: our FREE Backstage Pass loyalty program, Treat Yourself Tuesday, exclusive cocktail offerings, and more.
Offers & promotions vary, so check back for updates!
❄️🥃 Our WINTER COCKTAILS are BACK at B&B! Stop by our Marquee Bar during your next visit, and enjoy all your films with a delicious drink in hand!
(Must be 21+ to enjoy. Available in select locations.)
🎁 B&B Theatres Gift Cards make great gifts!
Gift cards are available online or in person at the theatre! 🎁
For Backstage Pass members, Tuesdays are Treat Yourself Tuesdays!
Tickets start at $6 AND enjoy 50% off popcorn with the purchase of a movie ticket!
(Tickets start at $6.00. Subject to any applicable premium upcharges and tax. Blackout dates apply)
Join the Backstage Pass to start earning points
If you're already a Backstage Pass member, be sure to login before purchasing tickets!